
Weather Forecasts for Traveling Snowbirds

weather forecasts

Whenever a Snowbird travels you need to check the weather forecasts.  Local weather stations are good, but for longer trips you need to take a look at a much larger weather picture.  The very best website for plotting your route is  Accurate and kept constantly up to date, it is one of the sites you should never leave home without.  Like a good pilot flying a 737, checking the weather should always be a top priority.  

As a Snowbird checking your weather route is always adviseable.  Safety first.  It is better to drive during the day, in sunny, dry conditions, as compared to finding yourself trapped in a tropical storm or tornado.

Lets not forget the Snowbirds who actually want to head up into the mountains for a ski holiday.  It is also nice to know if snow is in the forecast and the amounts, just like we also want to know if the Beach weather is going to be perfect, as we plan our travels.  

Safe travels!